Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Feeling Kinda Cruel

No coherent post today. Just a list of anecdotes to sum up my recent happenings - in roughly chronological order.


"I can't help you. I no longer possess the energy or the interest to continue screaming."


"I can only mock you with that abject and inhuman laughter - reverberates throughout the uncanny valley. The irony? It's not even directed at you. That's how little I care. Now move aside, I'm not done yet."


"Most people can't just shut the door the way you can."

~My Mother

"Don't let the space between you and someone you value fill with all the things you wanted to say, but didn't. There is no couldn't."


"Stop saying, 'we'."


"I speak things into existence all the time. I always know even as I'm saying it. They're hardly ever good things, though. Good things are always a surprise."


"The effects of causality on the human mind and subsequently the world around it? Extraordinary."


That's all. Anyone that disapproves of self-quoting clearly hasn't recognized the inherent problem that is assuming someone else can always say it better than you, and that one shouldn't pursue their own ideas. How do you think that someone else got where they are?

Later for now.


Ps. Most of this has nothing to do with the previous post, in case anyone watching the soap opera that is my life was concerned. Heh.

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