Sunday, September 14, 2008

My preference for middles to beginnings and endings surfaces once more

So I could transfer some things. But I'm too lazy for that.

That said, I apologize, but there will be no introductions. If you have any questions concerning...well anything, feel free to ask. This doesn't guarantee an answer, or the answer you might want, but I just thought I'd put that out there. What I will say is that this is my blogspace. As such, I reserve the right to be vulgar, curse, say things bluntly, and generally talk about whatever is on my mind. The Vague here, is probably much different than the one that posted on your page. Which brings me to another great topic! Why you're probably here: I randomly and out of nowhere wrote something on your blog while browsing through. That's what I do. The likelihood that I actually know who you are is fairly low, and if by some chance I do know who you are, I probably won't say so. That would defeat the whole purpose of...well everything.

The main purpose for this is simply that I'm not quite as closed about some thoughts as I am about others. I don't really expect to have anyone reading this anyway, and I really don't expect anyone to say anything. Typically, people tend to lurk around my activities without ever actually having the balls to say anything, so I'm assuming that will remain true here.

So, without further ado...welcome to Mundane!


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